摘要,亦称文摘(Abstract 或Summery),一般置于论文、科研报告或文献综述的正文之前,是对论文主要内容的概括和总结。目前,国内、外几乎所有的医药学期刊发表医药学论文均附有摘要。好的英文摘要对于增加论文的被检索和引用机会、吸引读者、扩大影响起着不可忽视的作用。现结合长期英文编辑实践经验,就医药学论文英文摘要撰写的要点谈谈体会。
根据格式,医药学论文摘要分为非结构式摘要和结构式摘要。根据《国际生物医学期刊投稿的统一要求》格式(温哥华格式)的规定,采用OMRAC 或AMRAC格式,即四要素式或四层次结构式摘要,其内容包括:目的、方法、结果和结论。自1991 年以来,我国生物医学期刊逐步采用结构式摘要,其中的绝大多数都采用这种四段式的摘要模式。
滕真如等抽样统计分析了2001~2003 年近3 年的中外期刊100 篇学术论文英文摘要的时态、语态差别及其原因,发现目前我国期刊用被动语态仍占主导(58.36%),主动语态相对较少(41.64%),而国外期刊目前用主动语态占主导(61.47%),被动语态较少(38.53%)。由此可见,在语态方面,国内、外期刊英文摘要相差较大。目前,国内医药学期刊中的摘要中仍多使用第三人称、被动语态,其优点被认为是可以省略施动者,把重要的部分放在主语的位置上显示出来,表达的内容显得更加客观。采用何种语态,要根据所投杂志的要求和习惯确定。
例如:To evaluate theefficacy and safety of high dose Levofloxacin injection for lower respiratorytract infections in elderly patients。
例如:The role ofomeprazole in triple therapy and the impact of Helicobacter pylori resistanceon treatment outcome are not established。
又如:This studyinvestigated the role of omeprazole and influence of primary H. pyloriresistance on eradication and development of secondary resistance。
During/over thepast 10 years
During/over/in aten year period
During the period 1988~1992
In the 1988~1992 period
…for a period of 6 to 25 years
Between …to …
From … to…
例如:The records of allpatients during the period 1969-1978 withan operative diagnosis of gastric carcinoma for benign disease were reviewed。
…were entered into/enrolled in/selected(randomly)…
…selection was based on…
…were selected based on…
…were selected randomly from…
…the major criteria for inclusion in the study were…
…were considered ineligible for…
…inclusion/entry criteria consisted of/were(入选的标准是)…
例如:A total of 169 patients were included in the study,83 of whom received Letrozde(来曲唑)2.5mg q.d for at least two months,while another 86 received placebo.
…were excluded from participation…
…withdrew from the study due to/because to…
…were excluded from the study…
例如:Patients with significant aortic valvular diseases were excluded。
……were dividedinto/classified/grouped/stratified/allocated/ assigned into/to(被分成)…
……were divided randomly/randomized into…
…… were divided equally into…
例如:Rats were divided into three groups,namely group 1,control(n=10);Group 2,CCl4 induced cirrhosis group(n= 20);and Group 3,Vitamin E treatedcirrhosis group(n=20).
又如:Twelve Chinese mini- swine weighing 15~20 kg,including 4 females and 8 males,were divided into 2 groups,6 in each group。
…was provided by…
…was purchased from(购自)…
…was obtained from…
…using Osteo Analyzers(Simens- Osteorn,Wahiwas,Hawaii)(用骨分析器(由夏威夷西门子奥斯汀公司生产)…
例如:New Zealand white rabbits weighing 2.2~2.7 kg each were purchased from SLC Inc.(Hanamatsu,Japan).
…was bred/fed in…
…was fasted/starved 12 hours before operation…
…white rabbits weighing between…and…were used…
…was killed by decapitation/cervical dislocation / exsanguinations(被断头/放血/处死)…
…was anesthetized with…
例如:The control groups were fed with normal diet(Ca ∶P=1 ∶0.7),while theexperimental groups were fed with high phosphate diet(Ca ∶P=1 ∶7).
又如:The pregnant Wistar rats(GD 21)were anesthetized withhalothane and laparotomy was performed to set up an animal model。
…was isolated by the procedure of…
…was prepared according to the methods described by…
…was carried out as previously described…
…was separated by the technique previously…
…was done with a modified method of…
…was determined/measured by/with…
例如:MICs were determined by the broth microdilution method outlined by the Clinical and Laboratory StandardsInstitute(formerly the National Committee for Clinical LaboratoryStandards)。
…a 15- year- old patient/a patient aged 15(years)/a patient at 15 years of age/a patient at the age of 15 years(old)…
Patients range in age from …to…
…with a mean of(50 years)…
Patients more/older than 50 years…
Patients under/before/below/after/less than 50 years…
…twelve patients(7 male and 5 female)…
The male- to- female ratio was 1 ∶4
…with female- male ratio of 2 ∶1
…be diagnosed as having…
…be diagnosed as …by …/with …be suspected as…
…was diagnosed as/by/with/ according to/on the basis of…
…was misdiagnosed as/was mistaken as(for)…
…was suspected as/of having…/ to be…
…be treated with…(aloneor in combination with …)…
…be treated on outpatient/inpatient basis…
例如:The patients inthe control group were treated with
conventionaltherapy alone,while the trial group were treated
with conventionaltherapy in combination with radiotherapy。
The resultsshowed/ suggested/ indicated / revealed/ documented/ demonstrated that …
…We found that…
…was/were found to/that…
例如:The results showedthat high thigh cuff Doppler technique was 79 percentsensitive,56 percentspecific and 63 percent accurate.
…was correlated/associated/related to/with…
There was arelationship/correlation/ association between A and B
例如:The analysisshowed that this disease was associated with age,systolic blood pressure,body mass index.
又如:In this groupthere was an inverse relationship between the time to proteinuria andglycosylated haemoglobin。
…increase/ rise/ elevate/ raise/ decrease/ reduce/ fall/drop/ decline/lower by(增加或减少了)or to(增加到或减少到)…
例如:Activity of normalmyocardium declined further by 63% from 30 to 240 minof reperfusion,while activity in the transiently ischemic myocardiumdecreased by 15.5%.
…increase/ rise/ elevate/ raise/ decrease/ reduce/ fall/drop/
decline/lower from…to …(从…增加到…)
又如:In one women,serum prolactinlevel fell from baseline of 2.7 ng·mL-1 to 440 ng·mL-1.
…increase by 3 fold(times)…
…a 3- fold increase…
A 是B的3倍:
A is 3 fold(times)as…as B
A is 3 fold(times)B
例如:After treatment,plasma levels ofLDL cholesterol were significantly reduced from 197 to 149·dL.
…was equal to(等于)…
…of A was similar/analogous to that/those of B(A与B相似)
…was compared to/with(与……比较)…
…was consistent/comparable with…
…in contrast/on the contrary/whereas(对照/相反/而)…
There was/issignificant difference in…between A and B
The difference in …between A and Bwas/is significant
A was/issignificantly different from B in …
No significantdifference was found / observed / noted in …between A and B
例如:No significantdifference was noted in total effective rate between Group A and Group B.
These resultssuggest that…
These results aresuggestive of…
例如:These resultssuggest that by combining mesenchymal stem cells(间充质干细胞)with anappropriate delivery vehicle,it may be possibleto offer patients new therapeutic options。
These resultssupport the idea that…
These results failto support the idea that…
These results donot support the idea that …
例如:These results donot support the idea that treatment to lower cholesterolconcentration cause mood disturbance。
There is noevidence that…
It islikely/unlikely that …
例如:There is noevidence that NIDDM(non- insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus)produce any changein bone metabolism or mass。
…be of great (some/little/no) clinical significance in…
…be of great/some/little/no clinical significance in …
…be of great/little/no/ limited use/ application/value in …
例如:The detection of p53 geneis of great clinical significance in tumor diagnosis。
…may be caused/explained by…
…may lead to/result in/account for/be the cause/result of…
…be responsible for…
…be due to…
…contribute to…
…give rise to…
例如:These findingssuggest that the initial corneal response to orthokeratology(矫正角膜学)may be explainedby redistribution of corneal tissue。
…remain to be further studied…
…It is remains to be proved that …
例如:However,the relation ofinsulin resistance to hypertension remains to be further studied.
讲堂讲者:田俊英,出生于1971年, 民族:汉,硕士,副教授,研究方向: 专门用途英语研究 (ESP),医学英语阅读、词汇、写作及翻译。
2001.09-2004.07:重庆大学外国语学院(硕士)。研究方向: 专门用途英语研究 (ESP)
2013.03-2013.09 英国阿伯丁访学
2004.07-至今 重庆医科大学外国语学院医学英语教研室(副教授)
2、 教学工作量:承担各个层次学生医学英语教学,科目包括“医学文献阅读”“医学英语词汇学”“医学英语”“医学英语写作”及“大学英语”等课程。
8、 翻译经历:担任《中国药房》及《中国医院用药评价与分析》英文编辑十余年。
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