1. 多语组合同传友谊赛将于2018年9月4日进行;
2. 学术论坛将于2018年9月6日至9月7日进行。
1. 国际组织语言服务人才培养的跨学科路径
2. 国际组织需要的“多语种+”口笔译人才培养研究
3. 国际交流背景下的MTI教学研究
4. 国际交流背景下的翻译学研究
5. 国际组织会议管理研究
6. 国际组织语言服务研究
7. 国际组织制度研究
8. 其他相关议题
1. 指导委员会由国际国内用人单位主管组成,包括国际区域组织、行业协会、高校口笔译院系等,包括:
黄友义 MTI教育指导委员会主任委员、翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语专家委员会主任委员、国际译联原副主席、中国外文局原副局长兼总编辑;
Shivona Tavares-Walsh ;
Kilian Seeber 日内瓦大学高翻学院口译系系主任、会议口译硕士项目负责人;
2. 专家委员会(确认中)
八. 组委会联系方式:
Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation
As China proposed the B&R Initiative five years ago, much emphasis has been put on its vision of global governance, its commitment to multilateralism, the concept of shared future of humanity and the transforming relationship among major countries. The Yangtze River Delta, a major confluence of the B&R Initiative and the Yangtze River economic region, weighs heavily on China’s modernization drive and its opening up.
The Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation (GIIT) of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is hosting this Symposium and Contest from 4th to 7th September 2018 as China’s universities are encouraged to dovetail their curriculums to the needs of international organizations. It aims to provide a platform for exchange of innovative ideas and cooperation among scholars and researchers from the Delta and beyond.
As officials of international and regional organizations, leaders of industry associations and researchers of universities are invited to participate in the dialogue, these interactions will help further enrich the teaching and study of the language profession, promote cooperation between universities and international organizations and explore new thinking for training “languages+” professionals for these organizations. The Symposium may very well serve as a launch pad for the dispatch of Chinese language professionals from Shanghai and the Delta region to international organizations.
1. 4th September, 2018, Simultaneous Interpreting Contest
2. 6th and 7th September 2018, Symposium
1. Interdisciplinary approach to the training of language staff for international organizations
2. Ways to train “languages+” translators and interpreters to meet the evolving needs of international organizations
3. Studies on MTI programmes in an international setting
4. Translation studies in an international setting
5. Studies on language services
6. Studies on conference management
7. Studies on organizational structures
8. Other relevant topics.
1. Steering Committee
The Committee is composed of heads and officials of stakeholders from China and beyond, including international and regional organizations, industry associations and societies, T&I schools, etc, including,
HUANG Youyi, Executive Member of the National MTI Steering Committee, Former Vice President of Chinese International Publishing Group, Former Vice President of International Federation of Translators
Shivona Tavares-Walsh, Chief of Division of Conference Services at United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON)
Kilian Seeber, Director of the Interpreting Department, Programme Director of the MA in Conference Interpreting, Programme Director of the MAS in Interpreting Training. q
Other members: TBC.
2. Jurors Committee (TBC)
Call for papers:
Participants please kindly submit your abstract before 1st July, 2018. An official invitation will be sent out once your abstract is approved. Please make sure we have your valid email address, affiliation, cell phone number and home/work address. Your work will be reviewed by experts and will be recommended, if deemed suitable, to journals either home or abroad. It may also be compiled into the symposium outcome publication.
Simultaneous Interpreting Contest:
The Contest is intended to reinforce the friendly relations and cooperation among interpreting schools both in China and beyond. Interpreting schools that have in their curriculum simultaneous interpreting training are welcome to take part in the contest. Each school will form one team.
The award ceremony will be broadcast live. Those who participate in the contest are automatically invited to the following two-day symposium, whose Chinese-English interpreting service will be provided by the top team in the contest. All interpreters working at the symposium will be paid at a rate compliant to national standards.
The jury is composed of faculty leaders and members of the participating interpreting schools, officials of international organizations as well as industry experts. All jury members will contribute to the test materials.
Shanghai International Studies University, Hongkou Campus
No. 550, West Dalian Road, Shanghai, CHINA
1. Symposium: The accommodations and traveling expenses will not be covered by SISU but we are ready to assist.
2. Simultaneous Interpreting Contest: no charge. Accommodations and traveling expenses are to be covered by participating Interpreting Schools.
Organizing Committee:
Contact: Jason CHEN
Email address: