材料学院 张浩轩 论文题目: Self-Volatilization Approach to Mesoporous Carbon Nanotubes/SilverNanoparticles Hybrids: New Role of Silver in Boosting Li-Ion Storage 论文简介: One of the biggest challenging issues of carbon nanomaterials for lithium ion batteries (LIBs) is they show low initial Coulombic efficiency (CE), leading to the limited specific capacity. we demonstrate a simple template self-volatilization strategy for making novel Ag nanoparticles (NPs) in-situ decorated mesoporous carbon nanotubes (Ag-MCNTs) to boost the LIBs performance. The key concept of Ag-MCNTs for enhancing LIBs is small trace of Ag NPs on MCNTS can greatly restrict the formation of thicker solid electrolyte interphase film, leading to the highest initial CE in all the reported carbon nanomaterials. The present Ag-MCNTs are the most efficient carbon nanomaterials as anode for LIBs reported so far. 个人简介:张浩轩,新能源材料与器件专业首届本科毕业生,现为材料科学与工程专业15级硕博连读生,师从江浩教授学习和研究纳米能源材料。目前研究成果已在ACS Nano, Journal of Power Sources等国际著名期刊发表, 参加European Advanced Materials Congress 2016,并做口头报告。 材料学院 王迪 论文题目:Modified carbon nanotubes by KMnO4 supported iron Fischer-Tropsch catalyst for direct conversion of syngas to lower olefins 论文简介: Manganese and potassium promoters coated carbon nanotubes (i.e., MnK-CNTs) were synthesized by a redox reaction between CNTs and KMnO4, in which CNTs act as reducing agent and substrate for heterogeneous nucleation of K-doped manganese oxide. The as-synthesized MnK-CNTs were employed to support Fe catalyst (i.e., Fe/MnK-CNTs, the loadings of 7.9 wt% Fe, 15.7 wt% Mn and 1.9 wt% K) for direct conversion of syngas to lower olefins. It is revealed that Fe/MnK-CNTs catalyst is more active and stable than FeMnK/CNTs catalyst prepared by co-impregnation method using CNTs as support. Furthermore, under similar CO conversion, Fe/MnK-CNTs catalyst exhibits higher selectivity of hydrocarbons especially lower olefins. This could be related to the small-sized and uniform nanoparticles, the well-distributed promoters, the weak metal-support interaction and the more defects on support, which are the consequences of the unique structural transformation of MnK-CNTs as a function of temperature and atmosphere. 个人简介: 王迪,2008年进入华东理工大学化工学院,2012年免试就读化学工程专业硕博连读研究生,致力于合成气转化直接制低碳烯烃铁基催化剂的结构调控与机理研究,期间发表SCI论文5篇,申请发明专利4项。化工学院 陶颖卿 论文题目: Kinetically-Enhanced Polysulfide Redox Reactions by Nb2O5 Nanocrystal for High-Rate Lithium–Sulfur Battery 论文简介:To combat the shuttle of soluble polysulfides, physical confinement approaches aiming to trap sulfur within porous hosts have been pursued, but their success towards capacity decay and kinetic sluggishness is still limited. Herein, we update the confinement approach by integrating ultra-fine Nb2O5 nanocrystals onto well-developed mesoporous carbon framework, which could primitively combine the advantages of the physical entrapment and chemical interaction of sulfur species. The concept of accelerating the kinetics of polysulfide redox reactions will pave a new avenue for future development of high-rate and long-cycle Li–S batteries. 个人简介:陶颖卿,经过不断探索与总结,在EES(IF=25.4)上发表了论文“Kinetically-Enhanced Polysulfide Redox Reactions by Nb2O5 Nanocrystal for High-Rate Lithium-Sulfur Battery”,创新性地利用电催化活性的Nb2O5纳米颗粒加快聚硫化物还原反应速率,大大提升了锂硫电池的倍率性能。 化学院 杜骏 论文题目:Zn-Cu-In-Se Quantum Dot Solar Cells with a Certified Power Conversion Efficiency of 11.6% 论文简介:The properties (such as light harvesting range, band gap alignment, and density of trap state defects etc.) of quantum dot (QD) light harvesters play a crucial effect on the photovoltaic performance of quantum dot based solar cells. Due to the small particle size, the developed QD sensitizer can be immobilized on TiO2 film electrode in less than 0.5 h. An average power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 11.66%, and certified PCE of 11.61% have been demonstrated in the QDSCs based on these Zn-Cu-In-Se QDs. The remarkably improved photovoltaic performance for Zn-Cu-In-Se QDSCs vs Cu-In-Se QDSCs (9.54%) is mainly derived from the higher conduction band edge, which favours the photogenerated electron extraction and results in higher photocurrent, and the alloyed structure of Zn-Cu-In-Se QD light harvester in suppressing charge recombination at photoanode/electrolyte interfaces and thus enhancing the photovoltage. 个人简介:我叫杜骏,东北小伙,从事量子点敏化太阳能电池方向的研究。坚信科研就是不懈的坚持与探索,近期获得了该类电池的国际最高光电转换效率纪录,成果发表在JACS上。 机动学院 贺阳 论文题目:超细高活性和稳定性PtFe金属间化合物催化剂 论文简介:改善催化剂的活性和稳定性在燃料电池的应用中仍然是主要的挑战。为了增强纳米催化剂的氧还原(ORR)活性和稳定性,我们制备了尺寸3.6nm完全有序的金属间化合物铂铁颗粒,并且嵌于多孔碳当中。这种纳米催化剂的氧还原性能较商用的铂碳催化剂在面积比活性和质量比活性提高了8-10倍。这样的提高对于文献中所报道的其它金属间化合物催化剂是最高的。在恶劣的加速老化测试中,催化剂的有序化结构发生了很小的变化,并且数千次的循环测试之后只有很小的活性损失。这样的高活性和稳定性主要归因于纳米颗粒的超细和有序化结构以及由多孔碳提供的限域作用。PtFe @ C纳米催化剂对于催化剂活性改善、成本降低和促进燃料电池应用提供了一个新的方法。 个人简介:贺阳,江苏扬州人。2014年9月进入华东理工大学攻读硕士学位,导师王健农,首批长江学者特聘教授,研究方向为质子交换膜燃料电池阴极催化剂。目前以共同第一作者身份在能源领域Energy & Environmental Science (IF=25.427)发表文章一篇。 机动学院 杨家鹏 论文题目:Study on the Dynamic Performance of Tilt Rotor Supported by Spherical Roller Bearings 论文简介:Tilt rotor supported by rolling bearings is often used in mechanical equipment. In the past, the researches on dynamic performance of bearing-rotor are mainly for horizontal rotor , but there are insufficient reported research on tilting rotors. In this paper, the dynamic performance of a tilt rotor supported by spherical roller bearings (SRB) is studied. Through the dynamics analysis of the rotor, a transfer matrix dynamics model for the tilt rotor is established. And the stiffness and damping calculation model of SRB is built. With a calculation example, the effects of tilting angles and some rotor structure parameters on the system’s dynamic performance is studied numerically. The results obtained show that with the increase of the tilt angle, the critical speed of the rotor decreases, and the amplitude will increase in the vertical direction of the shaft. With the same tilting angle, the smaller the distance from the disc to the middle point of the rotating shaft is, the larger the amplitude of the vibration mode and the amplitude difference compared with the rotor without inclination would become. The unbalanced response amplitude curve of the rotor distribute asymmetrically because of the rotor inclination. The bigger the inclination angle is, the more obvious the asymmetry distribution will be. 个人简介:杨家鹏,河北保定人。机动学院机械设计及理论专业,博士一年级,师从安琦教授,研究方向为转子动力学。以第一作者身份发表一篇论文,被SCI、ESI收录。 生物工程学院 曹选 论文题目:Metabolic Engineering of Oleaginous Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica for Limonene Overproduction 论文简介:Limonene, a monocyclic monoterpene, is known for its use as an important precursor of many flavoring, pharmaceutical and biodiesel products. Currently, d-limonene has been produced via fractionation from essential oils or as a byproduct of orange juice production, but considering the increasing need for limonene and a certain amount of pesticides may exist in the limonene obtained from the citrus industry, some other methods should be explored to produce limonene. 个人简介:曹选,学习成绩优异,科研成果显著,多次参与各项志愿者活动。喜欢游泳、跑步以及旅行。论文闪光点:1 首次使解脂耶氏酵母具备生产柠檬烯的能力;2 首次发现MVA途径中的酶ERG12是限速酶;3 柠檬烯的产量是目前酵母中的最高产量。建议师弟师妹们保持好的心态,不怕失败;勤奋:多读,多做并且保持睡眠充足和身体健康。 信息学院 宋军 论文题目:Finite-Time Stabilization via Sliding Mode Control 论文简介:This technical note investigates the sliding mode control (SMC) design based on finite-time boundedness (FTB) for a class of nonlinear systems. A suitable SMC law is constructed to drive the state trajectories onto the specified sliding surface during a specified finite (possibly short) time interval. Besides, by introducing a partitioning strategy, the corresponding FTB over reaching phase and sliding motion phase are guaranteed, respectively. And then, the sufficient conditions are derived to ensure the FTB of the closed-loop systems over the whole finite-time interval. Finally, a simulation example is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed design method. 个人简介:宋军,控制科学专业博士研究生,研究方向为多模型随机系统控制与滤波,目前已发表学术论文24篇,其中SCI期刊论文15篇,包括在国际控制科学顶级期刊TAC,Auto及IJRNC上各发表一篇。 信息学院 夏南 论文题目:Event-based Networked Islanding Detection for Distributed Solar PV Generation Systems 论文简介:This paper proposes an event-based networked set-membership filtering method to detect islanding fault for distributed grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) generation systems. The method enables each set-membership filter to offer an ellipsoidal estimation set, which is used to judge whether or not the islanding fault happens. When islanding fault happens,the intersection of the ellipsoids is empty, and when islanding fault is free, the intersection of the ellipsoids is non-empty. 个人简介:夏南,男,中共党员,1990年出生。2012年毕业于华东理工大学自动化系电气工程及其自动化专业,目前在华东理工大学控制科学与工程专业攻读博士学位,研究方向为“分布式集员估计与控制”。 药学院 贾晓彤 论文题目:FRET-Based Mito-Specific Fluorescent Probe for Ratiometric Detection and Imaging of Endogenous Peroxynitrite: Dyad of Cy3 and Cy5 论文简介:Peroxynitrite (OONO−) is profoundly implicated in health and disease. The physiological and pathological outcome of OONO − is related to its local concentration, and hence, a reliable OONO− assay is highly desired. We have developed a FRET-based smallmolecule fluorescent probe (PNCy3Cy5), harnessing the differential reactivity of Cy3 and Cy5 toward OONO− by fine-tuning. It exhibits high detection sensitivity and yields a ratiometric fluorescent signal. We have exemplified that it can be applied in semiquantitative determination of OONO− in living cells. Notably, it specifically localizes in mitochondria, where endogenous OONO− is predominantly generated. Thus, PNCy3Cy5 is a promising molecular tool for peroxynitrite biology. 个人简介:我是贾晓彤。我从2008年进入华东理工大学药学院制药工程专业,2012年保送为华理药学专业的硕博连读研究生,导师为钱旭红院士。至今已经生活在华理有8年的时间。我的研究方向为功能性荧光染料。我喜欢话剧,跑步,滑冰,滑雪。对于搞学术,我认为要多思考,多动手!“与其在太阳落山的时候惆怅未来,不如在太阳升起的时候努力投入工作。” 资环学院 薛云飞 论文题目:The destruction of benzene by calcium peroxide activated with Fe(II) in water 论文简介:The ability of Fe(II)-activated calcium peroxide (CaO2) to remove benzene is examined with a series of batch experiments. The results showed that benzene concentrations were reduced by 20 to 100% within 30 min. The magnitude of removal was dependent on the CaO2/Fe(II)/Benzene molar ratio, with much greater destruction observed for ratios of 4/4/1 or greater. An empirical equation was developed to quantify the destruction rate dependence on reagent composition. The presence of oxidative hydroxyl radicals (HO●) and reductive radicals (primarily O2●–) was identified by probe compound testing and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) tests. The results of the EPR tests indicated that the application of CaO2/Fe(II) enabled the radical intensity to remain steady for a relatively long time. The effect of initial solution pH was also investigated, and CaO2/Fe(II) enabled benzene removal over a wide pH range of 3.0~9.0. The results of radical scavenging tests showed that benzene removal occurred primarily by HO● oxidation in the CaO2/Fe(II) system, although reductive radicals also contributed. The intermediates in benzene destruction were identified to be phenol and biphenyl. The results indicate that Fe(II)-activated CaO2 is a feasible approach for treatment of benzene in contaminated groundwater remediation. 个人简介:薛云飞,是资环学院环境科学与工程专业2014级硕博研究生,为人个性平和,兴趣宽广。我的研究课题立足于前人基础,积极开拓新的领域,希望可以为治理环境污染,特别是治理BTEX污染场地,提供新的技术。合适的研究方向,正确的研究方法,以及实干主义是引导研究成功的三个要素,但实验研究不会一帆风顺,凡事也要做好最坏的打算,并积极思考解决方法。现已发表1篇论文(IF=5.31),另有1篇在投。 资环学院 彭洪江 论文题目:Oxidation and mechanism of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE209) by thermally activated persulfate (TAP) in a soil system 论文简介:Decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE209) poses a significant threat to human health. Most research so far has focused on BDE209 debromination by the reduction, which will produce more toxic products and further cause more serious environmental problems. In this study, we focused on thermally activated persulfate oxidation of BDE209. Various factors have been investigated, such as initial persulfate (0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 M) or BDE209 content, temperature, pH and inorganic ion. The results show the of BDE209 removal rate constants (k1) indicated quadratic curve relationship with initial persulfate concentrations and a good linear relationship with initial BDE209 contents. At the test pH range of 3 to 9, the highest degradation efficiency occurred at pH 5. However, inhibitory effects were observed in the presence of bicarbonate (HCO3−), and chloride (Cl−) exhibited either positive or inhibitive effect on the BDE209 degradation. The addition of an appropriate level of Cl− (e.g., [Cl−]0/[PS]0=0.1/1) could significantly enhance the BDE209 decomposition, while higher contents of Cl− (e.g., [Cl−]0/[PS]0=2/1) resulted in totally inhibitory effect. 个人简介:彭洪江,性格开朗、踏实、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚。在空余时间喜欢运动和看书,并从中减轻平时科研中带来的压力,开拓自己的眼界。积极并不断进取是我做事的原则,在未来的日子里希望自己能够从生活中慢慢丰富和完善自己。在研究生期间发表4篇高水平论文(总IF值为17.356)。我所研究的课题旨在为电子垃圾拆解区污染场地提供理论依据和技术支持。关于学术方面我觉得应该学会总结前人的研究成果,并为自己的研究方向做出准确的定位。