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我院乔晓妹教授与我校特聘教授Kenneth I. Forster合作的论文“Is the L2 lexicon different from the L1 lexicon? Evidence from novel word lexicalization” 已正式发表于SSCI一区期刊Cognition(Volume 158, January 2017, Pages 147–152)。
Studies on the representation of newly learned words in the native language show that after repeated sessions of learning, novel words produce less form priming than nonwords when they are used as primes in a masked priming experiment. This suggests that the newly learned words have established lexical representations, and therefore start to behave more like real words than nonwords (Qiao & Forster, 2013). Since adult language learning normally happens in a foreign language context rather than in the native language context, it is important to see whether similar results could be obtained if bilingual subjects were taught novel words in their second language (L2) rather than their first language (L1). The current experiment explores this issue using the same procedure and materials as used in the L1 experiment. Results show that in contrast to the nonsignificant priming observed with the L1 speakers, L2 speakers show enhanced facilitatory priming after the same training process. In addition, a significant facilitatory priming effect is also obtained with real words as primes, suggesting that the L1 and L2 lexicons might work in rather different ways. One possibility is that the L2 lexicon is not represented in the same type of memory system as the L1 lexicon, rather it is represented in a system where competitive effects are not observed.
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美国亚利桑那大学第二语言习得与教学专业(SLAT)博士, 上海财经大学外国语学院教授。主要研究兴趣包括词汇认知与识别、词汇习得、句子加工、第二语言加工和英语教学法。
Kenneth I. Forster
美国亚利桑那大学心理学系终身教授、认知科学家。国际知名的心理语言学研究专家,在词汇识别和词汇加工领域享有盛名。他既是词汇加工的经典模型“线性搜索模型”(serial search model)的提出者,“遮蔽启动效应”(masked priming effects)的发现者和研究者,同时也是广为使用的DMDX心理实验软件的发明人和设计者。他曾发表学术论文百余篇,担任诸多顶级SSCI期刊的编委,在心理语言学研究领域有重要建树,拥有很高的学术造诣和威望,在国际上具有重要影响。