7月11日,美国总统奥巴马(BarackHussein Obama)在医学专业杂志JAMA (The Journal of the AmericanMedical Association, If为37.684)发表特别通信(Special Communication)文章“United StatesHealth Care Reform - Progress to Date and Next Steps”,主要是阐述国家医改的好处,如,住院率自从实施医疗改革之后大幅下降。看到日理万机的世界超级大国在专业杂志上发表论文,有以下几点感想:
奥巴马选择专业性较强的、发源于1883年的JAMA发表,而不是Nature和Science (根据选题和数据估计也可以发),说明任何时候专业一点总是好的,最起码给人以严谨求实的感觉。
“While we of course recognized the author is the presidentof the United States, JAMA has enormously high standards and we certainlyexpected the president to meet those standards.”
Nonetheless, according to JAMA editor-in-chief Howard Bauchner,the article went through a two months of fact-checking and multiple edits andrevisions.
Publish or perish依然是学界(现在甚至是政界了)的金科玉律,总统都想通过发表专业杂志论文博得大家更理性和广泛的认可。我相信,奥巴马本人是非常想医改法案在他离职之后继续实施下去的,所以他通过这种特别的方式传递信息,估计更容易被大众理解和支持。
United States Health Care Reform Progress to Date and NextSteps
IMPORTANCE The Affordable Care Act is themost important healthcare legislation enacted in the United States since the creation ofMedicare andMedicaid in 1965. The law implemented comprehensive reforms designed toimprovethe accessibility, affordability, and quality of health care.
OBJECTIVES To review the factorsinfluencing the decision topursue health reform summarize evidence on the effects of thelaw to date,recommend actions that could improve the health care system, andidentifygeneral lessons for public policy from the Affordable Care Act.
EVIDENCE Analysis of publicly availabledata, data obtained fromgovernment agencies and published research findings. The periodexamined extendsfrom 1963 to early 2016
FINDINGS The Affordable Care Act has madesignificant progresstoward solving long-standing challenges facing the UShealth care system relatedto access, affordability, and quality of care. Since the AffordableCare Actbecame law, the uninsured rate has declined by 43%, from 16.0% in 2010 to9.1%in 2015, primarily because of the law's reforms.
Research has documented accompanying improvements in access tocare (for example, an estimated reduction in the share ofnonelderly adultsunable to afford care of 5.5 percentage points), financial security (forexample,an estimated reduction in debts sent to collection of 600− 600−1000 perperson gaining Medicaidcoverage), and health (for example, an estimated reductionin the share of nonelderly adultsreporting fair or poor health of 3.4percentage points). The law has also begun the processof transforming healthcare payment systems with an estimated 30% of traditionalMedicare payments nowflowing through alternative payment models like bundled payments oraccountablecare organizations. These and related reforms have contributed to asustainedperiod of slow growth in per-enrollee health care spending andimprovements in health carequality. Despite this progress, major opportunities toimprove the health care system remain.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Policy makersshould build on progressmade by the Affordable Care Act by continuing toimplement the Health InsuranceMarketplaces and delivery system reform, increasingfederal financial assistancefor Marketplace enrollees introducing a public plan option in areaslackingindividual market competition, and taking actions to reduce prescription drugcosts.Although partisanship and special interest opposition remain, experiencewith theAffordable Care Act demonstrates that positive change is achievable onsome of thenation's most complex challenges.