从语言教育政策制定的视角探析美国《双语教育法》及历次修正案 | An Analysis of the Bilingual Education Act and its Amendments in America from the Perspective of Language Education Policy Making |
从学生视角看大学英语口语教学的有效性——以浙江大学城市学院为例 | A Study on the Effectiveness of Spoken English Instruction in Universities from the Students’ Perspective: A Case of Zhejiang University City College |
自我效能感理论在初中英语语法教学中的作用 | The Contribution of Self-Efficacy Theory to English Grammar Teaching in the Junior High School |
论思维导图在大学英语写作中的作用 | On Mind Mapping in College English Writing |
严歌苓和托马斯哈代作品中的女性形象对比研究 | The Comparison of Female Images in the Works of Yan Geling and Thomas Hardy |
论20世纪初英国女性意识的流变——以《唐顿庄园》为例 | The Development of Female Consciousness in Britain in the Early 20th Century: A Case Study of Downton Abbey |
中美情景喜剧中的言语幽默---以爱情公寓和老友记为例 | Verbal Humor in Chinese and American Sitcoms :A Case Study of Love Apartment and Friends |
激励教学法在幼儿英语教学中的问题及其对策——以英孚幼儿英语教育为例 | The Problems and Coping Strategies of Affective Motivation in Pre-school English Teaching: A Case Study of EF English School |
文学作品中的俄狄浦斯情节研究——以《木马赢家》为例 | The Oedipus Complex in Literary Works: A Case Study of the Rocking-Horse Winner |
目的论视角下对外宣传材料英译研究——以杭州市为例 | Chinese-English Translation of Publicity Materials in Hangzhou from the Perspective of Skopostheorie |
论女性意识下的小说人物命运——以《德伯家的苔丝》为例 | On the Destiny of Characters in Novels from the Feminine Perspective:The Case of Tess of the D'Urbervilles |
An Analysis of Pragmatic Vagueness in Political English News | |
话语分析理论在英语阅读教学中的应用 | Application of Discourse Analysis in the Teaching of English Reading |
从翻译美学视角探究爱默生《自助》中译本——以蒲龙译本为例 | On the English-Chinese Translation of Self-Reliance by Emmerson from the Perspective of Aesthetics: A Brief Analysis of Pu Long's Translation |
从跨文化交际的角度浅析中西方饮食文化 | An Analysis of Chinese and Western Diet Culture from an Intercultural Communication Perspective |
中美文学作品中悲剧形象对比研究——《以了不起的盖茨比》 和 《财主底儿女们》为例 | A Comparison of Tragic Heroes in Chinese and American Literatures Based on the Study of The Great Gatsby and the Children of Capitalist |
中美社会新闻报道异同分析 | A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Social News Reports |
交替传译中译员的短时记忆能力提高策略 | A Study on the Strategies to Improve Interpreters' Short-Term Memory in Consecutive Interpreting |
A Comparative Analysis of the Political Life between Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth I | |
从目的论分析网络流行语的汉英翻译策略 | On C-E Translation of Internet Buzzwords from the Perspective of Skopos Theory |
中外青年婚恋观比较研究-以非诚勿扰为例 | A Comparative Study on Love And Marriage Views of Youths in China And Foreign Countries: A Case Study of If You Are The One |
浅谈脱口秀节目《拉塞尔·霍华德的好新闻》中字幕翻译的归化策略 | A Brief Study on Domestication in Subtitle Translation of Talk Show Programme--Russell Howard's Good News |
从文化角度诠释英国疑欧主义 | An Interpretation of British Euroskepticism from A Cultural Perspective |
巴金文学翻译的语言艺术研究——以《快乐王子》为例 | A Study of the Language Art in Ba Jin's Literary Translation—A Case Study of The Happy Prince |
留学生的跨文化适应研究——以来杭留学生为例 | On the Cross- Cultural Adaptation of Overseas Students in Hangzhou: A Case Study |
从汽车广告用语看中西文化价值观的差异 | Different Cultural Values Between China and Western Countries from Auto Advertisements |
从象征元素解析《欲望号街车》物质与精神的冲突 | The Physical and Spiritual Conflicts in A Streetcar Named Desire from the Symbolic Elements |
Gone with the Wind(《飘》)两经典汉译对比浅析 | A Comparative Study on Two Chinese Versions of Gone with the Wind |
“语言项目学习”在大学英语角中的应用 | The Application of “Project-based Language Learning” to English Corners in Colleges |
On the Linguistic Features of Political Speeches: A Case Study of Obama’s Inaugural Address | |
中西译者中药翻译对比研究——以《红楼梦》为例 | A Contrastive Study of the Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Between Chinese and English Translators: A Case Study of A Dream of Red Mansions |
美国电影中的英雄主义—以《蝙蝠侠》系列为例 | Heroism in American Movies: A Case Study of Batman Series |
浅析欧.亨利作品中的人性光辉--以《绿门》和《重获新生》为例 | An Analysis on the Beauty of Human Nature in O. Henry's Works: A Case Study of The Green Door and A Retrieved Reformation |
中西方诗歌中关于花的爱情隐喻比较研究 | A Contrastive Study on Love Metaphor of Flowers between Chinese and Western Poetry |
浅析《飘》中郝思嘉的叛逆个性 | The Rebellion of Scarlett's Personality in Gone with the Wind |
美国白人文化和印第安文化的冲突与融合——以《爱药》为例 | The Conflict and Fusion of the White Culture and the American Indian Culture: A Study on Love Medicine |
论《傲慢与偏见》中的反讽艺术 | A Study of Ironic Art in Pride and Prejudice |
《奥赛罗》:没落的骑士精神 | Othello: the Fall of Chivalry |
接受理论视角下《奥赛罗》三个中译本的对比研究 | A Comparative Study of Three Chinese Versions of Othello from the Perspective of Reception Theory |
16-18世纪中英家庭结构与功能对比 | A Comparative Study on the Family Structure and Function between China and Britain from 16th to 18th Century |
从功能对等理论看《宴会虫》中译本 | A Functional Equivalence Perspective on the Chinese Translation of The Banquet Bug |
浅析任务型教学在实践课程中的应用——以浙江大学城市学院英语系暑期实践教学为例 | A Brief Analysis of Task-based Learning in Practical Curriculum—Case Study on English Major Summer Programme of Zhejiang University City College |
从中美经济制度探源两国消费观的差异 | The origin of the different consumption views in China and the United States in economic systems |
Robinson Crusoe(《鲁滨孙漂流记》)两汉译本差异浅析 | A Brief Analysis of Two Chinese Versions of Robinson Crusoe |
论从中式英语到中国英语 | From Chinglish to China English |
基于认知负荷模型的同声传译困境与策略分析—以APEC同传文本为例 | An Analysis of Difficulties and Strategies in Simultaneous Interpreting Based on Effort Model—A Case Study of APEC SI Texts |
从语用学角度探析英语新闻报道 -- 以《经济学人》为例 | A Probe into English News Report from the Pragmatic Perspective:A Case Study of "the Economist" |
从民族中心主义到民族融合主义——以电影《撞车》为例 | From Ethnocentrism to Ethnorelativism: A Case Study of the Movie Crash |
美剧与美国文化现实的距离--以美剧《绯闻女孩》为例 | The Gap Between American Sitcoms and American Cultural Reality --A Case Study of Gossip Girls |
从日常饮品浅谈中西文化差异和融合 | An Analysis of Cultural Differences and Integration between the West and China in Daily Drinks |
从少儿性格差异浅析英语教学法的选择和应用-以口语课堂教学为例 | On the Choice and Application of English Teaching Methods to Children with Different Personalities: A Case Study of Oral English Class Teaching |
以电视真人秀《极速前进》为例浅析中美民族性格的差异 | An Analysis of the Different National Characters Between China and America: A Case Study of Reality Television Show The Amazing Race |
论字幕翻译的“雅”与“俗”----对比《不可儿戏》余光中版和射手网字幕版 | On Artistic and Recreational Approaches to Subtitles Translation: A Comparative Study on Two Translated Versions of The Importance of Being Earnest |
犹太商人对美国经济文化的影响 | The Influences of Jewish Businessmen on American Economic Culture |
浅析美国机器人文化及其发展前景——以电影《机械公敌》为例 | American Robot Culture and Its Development Prospect: A Case Study of the Movie I, Robot |
从消费文化角度析嘉丽妹妹形象 | An Analysis of the image of Sister Carrie——from the Perspective of Consumer Culture |
大学英语口语教学中游戏教学法的应用——以ZUCC英语专业口语课为例 | The Application of Game-Based Teaching in College Oral English Teaching --- A Case Study on Oral English Lessons of ZUCC English Major |
从街头文化看美国社会的多元性 | An Analysis of American Social Diversity from the Perspective of Street Culture |
从语境文化分析电影《迷失东京》中的文化休克现象 | An Analysis of Culture Shock in "Lost in Translation" from the Perspective of Context Culture |
从马克吐温的作品看作者的民族主义情怀 | An Analysis of Nationalism in Mark Twain's Works |
跨文化交际中的问题及对策浅析--以电影《刮痧》为例 | Exploration of the Problems and Countermeasures in Cross-cultural Communications--A Case Study of the Movie Gua Sha |
试论《华伦夫人的职业》折射的女性主义倾向 | An Analysis of Feminism in Mrs. Warren's Profession |
从《乌鸦》看埃德加·爱伦·坡的悲剧人生 | From The Raven to Edgar Allan Poe's Pessimistic Life |
《色•戒》英译本中前瞻式与后顾式分析 | Prospective and Retrospective Analyses of the English Version of Lust, Caution |
基于语料库的《》汉译本文体对比研究——以《和合本》与《新译本》为例 | A Corpus-based Contrastive Study of the Styles of Two Chinese Versions of Bible: A Case Study of CNV & CUV |
英文电影在大学英语教学中的应用研究 | A Study of the Application of English Movies in College English Teaching |
道德经英译本中关于“天”与“地”的翻译策略研究 | A Study on the English Translation Strategies of "Tian" and "Di" in Dao De Jing |
中西动物隐喻的文化差异与认知解读 | Cultural Differences and Cognitive Interpretation Of Animal Metaphors Between China and the West |
浅析二十世纪二十年代美国文化对于服饰的影响--以《了不起的盖茨比》电影和小说为例 | The Influence Of American Culture in 1920s to The Costume Culture From The Perspective Of 'The Great Gatsby' in fiction and animation |
试论杰克•伦敦眼里的环境决定论 | On Environmental Determinism as Seen by Jack London |
抛锚式教学模式对大学英语写作的启示 | Implications of Anchored Instruction on College English Writing Class |
论双语课程的混合型教学模式——以浙大城院USQ专业“组织管理”课程为例 | On the Mixed Teaching Model of Bilingual Courses: A Case Study of the Course "Managing Organizations" for USQ Majors in ZUCC |
基于语篇教学的英语写作能力培养 | Cultivation of English Writing Ability via Discourse Approach |
浅析英语类在线辅导教学设计和学习模式——以网易云课堂和YY教育为例 | On the Instructional Design and Learning Mode of E-Moderating in English Learning: A Case Study of Netease Study and YY Education |
多元智能理论在学前英语教学中的应用 | Application of Multiple-intelligences Theory in preschool English Education |
基于克拉申二语习得理论的中外教合作幼儿英语教学——以杭州英孚为例 | The Application of Krashen’s Second Language Acquisition Theory in Young Learners' Collaborative English Teaching between Foreign and Chinese Instructors in Hangzhou EF School |
服饰传播中的时尚文化元素 | Cultural Elements Reflected in Fashion Transmission |
论余华作品在美国的评论和影响——以《兄弟》为例 | On Comments and Influence of Yu Hua's Works in America: A Case Study of His Novel Brothers |
会议口译中文化差异的策略性分析 | A Strategic Analysis of Cultural Discrepancies in Conference Interpreting |
论英语专业词汇学习的高效记忆法——以背单词软件“百词斩”为例 | On Efficient Vocabulary Memorization for English Majors: A Case Study of Mobile Phone Application of "Baicizhan" |
美式幽默赏析——以《破产姐妹》为例 | An Analysis of American Humor in 2 Broke Girls |
鲁迅作品在英美国家的译介和传播 | On Translation, Introduction and Reception of Lu Xun's Works in UK and USA |
中美跨国婚姻的文化冲突案例研究 | The Cultural Conflicts of Interracial Marriages between China and America:A Case Study |
浅析网络多媒体对大学生英语听力教学的影响——以英语电影为例 | The Influence of the Network Multimedia on College English Listening Teachin: A Case Study of English Movie |
叙事教学法在英语词汇教学中的应用 | On the Application of Narrative Approach In English Vocabulary Teaching |
从《无名的裘德》看英国工业革命时期社会流动的妥协性 | On Compromised Social Mobility during the British Industrial Revolution from Jude the Obscure |
简析非裔美国人的社会地位变化——以《为奴十二年》和《撞车》为例 | A Brief Analysis on Changes of Social Status for African Americans: A Comparative Study on Twelve Years a Slave and Crash |
简析《呼啸山庄》中的现实主义 | An Analysis on Realism in Wuthering Heights |
英文求职信语言的研究 | A Study on the Linguistic Features of English Application Letter |
杭州公示语英语翻译规范研究 | The Standardization of English Translation of Public Signs in Hangzhou |
中美特殊儿童教育比较研究 | A Comparative Research on Sino-American Special Children Education |
简 奥斯汀在中国的接受与研究:1978-2013 | The Reception and Study of Jane Austen in China:1978-2013 |
中西方旅游行为差异的比较研究 | A Comparative Study of Tourist Behavior between Chinese and Westerners |
从丧葬习俗看中西方价值观差异 | The Comparison Between Chinese and Western Values Through Funeral Rites |
中美女性的文化价值观比较——以《穿普拉达的女王》和《杜拉拉升职记》为例 | A Comparative Study of Different Cultural Values between American and Chinese Women:A Case Study of The Devil Wears Prada and Go La La Go |
浅析《追风筝的人》哈桑的悲剧命运 | An Analysis of Hassan's Tragical Desitny in The Kite Runner |
析《小王子》中的象征主义 | An Analysis of Symbolism in Little Prince |
中美文化传统对饮食习惯的影响 | How Chinese and American Cultural Differences Affect Dietary Habits |
心理学视角下的《蝇王》性恶论 | Human Evil as in Lord of the Flies: a Psychological Perspective |
学龄前儿童英语口语测试研究与应用——以杭州青少年活动中心为例 | Research and Application of Oral English Testing for Preschoolers: A Case Study of Hangzhou Youth & Children's Center |
从童话看中西方价值观之不同--以《格林童话》和《中国年度童话》为例 | Different Values in Chinese and Western Fairy Tales: A Case Study of Grimm's Fairy Tales and China's Annual Fairy Tales |
中美课堂教育方式差异对比研究—以《死亡诗社》和《全城高考》为例 | A Comparative Study On the Classroom Teaching Approaches Between America and China: A Case Study of Dead Poets Society and Mark of Youth |
英汉网络流行语对比研究——从认知社会学角度 | A Study of Chinese and English Web Catchwords: From the Perspective of Cognitive Socialinguistics |
游戏教学法在少儿英语教学中的问题及其应对——以杭州青少年活动中心英语教学为例 | The Problems and Coping Strategies of Games Teaching Method in Children's English Classes: A Case Study of English Classes in Hangzhou Youth & Children's Center |
幽默的魅力——以中国相声与美式闹剧为例 | The Power of Humor:A Case Study of Chinese Cross Talk and American Slapstick |
从《华伦夫人的职业》看欧洲女性主义思潮之流变 | Change and Challenge of Feminism in Europe: the Case of Mrs. Warren's Profession |
MOOC在英语专业课程中的应用研究——以浙江大学城市学院跨文化交际课为例 | A Brief Discussion on the Application of MOOC in English Major Courses: A Case Study of Intercultural Communication in Zhejiang University City College |
中西旅游文化发展对比——以杭州千岛湖与加拿大千岛湖为例 | A Comparison of Chinese and Western Tourism Culture Development -- A Case Study of Qiandao Lake in Hangzhou and Thousand Islands in Canada |
大学英语学习者对反转课堂接受度的调查研究 | A Study of EFL Learners’ Acceptance Towards Flipped Classroom |
浅析MOOC对提高英语课堂教学成效的作用—以演讲导论课为例 | On Improving English Classroom Teaching Efficiency through MOOC—A Case Study of Introduction to Public Speaking Course |
中西方公益广告中的文化价值观比较研究 | A Comparative Study on the Cultural Values Embodied in Public Service Announcements Between China and the West |
天堂还是地狱:《麦田捕手》与《蝇王》中儿童世界之比较 | Utopia or Dystopia: A Children's World in The Catcher in the Rye and Lord of the Flies |
、新教和清教对菲茨杰拉德创作的影响 | The Influence of Catholicism, Protestantism and Puritanism on F. Scott Fitzgerald's Writing |
跨文化对旅游解说总体规划的影响——以杭州旅游为例 | Cross- Cultural Impact on Tour Interpretive Master Planning: A Case Study of Hangzhou Tourism |
在英语教学中对高中生的跨文化意识的培养 | Cultivating Cross-cultural Awareness in High School English Teaching |
浅谈故事教学法在小学英语阅读教学上的运用 | The Application of Story Telling Approach in Teaching English Reading in Primary School |
浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的反讽技巧 | On the Ironic Techniques in The Great Gatsby |
浅析《唐顿庄园》中典型人物的现代化元素 | An Analysis of Modern Elements of the Typical Characters in Downton Abbey |
浅析品牌文化在汽车营销中的运用——以BMW为例 | An Analysis of Brand Culture in Automobile Marketing--A Case Study of BMW |
美国布鲁斯音乐对中国流行音乐文化发展的影响 | The Impact of American Blues Music on the Development of Chinese Pop Music Culture |
浅谈文学流派“迷惘的一代”——以《了不起的盖茨比》为例 | On The Lost Generation School---A Case Study of The Great Gatsby |
论灵活性和简洁性在美式口语教学中的缺失问题 | The Absence of Flexibility and Conciseness in American Spoken English Teaching |
语言在文化冲突中的角色—以及美伊冲突为例 | Language in Cultural Conflict:A Case Study of Crusade and US-Iranian Clash |
从北京与伦敦奥运会开幕式看中西艺术文化差异 | A Review of Art Cultural Differences by the Comparison of Olympics Opening Ceremonies in Beijing and London |
中美幼儿家庭教育对比--以家长与孩子互动方式为例 | The Comparision of Pre-school Family Education between America and China:A Perspective of Parents' Interaction with Children |
盖茨比的英国贵族精神 | The British Aristocratic Spirit of Gatsby |
20世纪末服饰作为传播媒介的演变 | Fashion As a Cultural Media in Mass Communication in Late 20th Century |
菲茨杰拉德作品中的都市田园主义 | Urban Pastoralism in F. S. Fitzgerald's Works |
爱·伦坡小说中恐怖氛围的塑造 | The Horror in Allan Poe's Novels |
基于合作原则解读美剧《摩登家庭》的幽默 | Analysis of Humor in Modern Family from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle |
浅析品牌营销在文化传播中的作用——以《哈利·波特》为例 | The Functions of Brand Marketing in the Publicity of Culture: A Case Study of Harry Potter |
浅析《追风筝的人》中风筝的意象 | The Image of the Kite in The Kite Runner |
英语快乐教学法研究——以中美小学英语课堂教学游戏为例 | On Happy Teaching Method:On Happy Teaching Method: Comparative Study of Class Activities in Elementary Schools in China and America |
国际商务谈判中的跨文化因素——基于霍夫斯特德文化模式的案例分析 | On Cross-Cultural Factors in International BusinessTalks:Based on Case Studies by Hofstede's Culture Study Mode |
The Influences of Christian Culture on the Daily Life of Chinese Christians: A Case Study of Fu'an Catholics | |
论电影《肖申克的救赎》中的人文主义色彩 | Humanism in The Shawshank Redemption |
On Translation Strategies of Fuzzy Language from the Perspective of Interpreter's Subjectivity: A Case Study of Premier Wen's Press Conferences | |
浅析任务型教学法在初中英语口语课堂中的应用 | The Application of Task-based Teaching Method to an Oral English Class in Junior High Schools |