北京师范大学未来教育高精尖创新中心“2030未来学校”(Future School 2030)研究项目子项目负责人周颖老师及其合作者发表的论文The Relationship Between Teachers’ Online Homework Guidance and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge about Educational Use of Web 入选Springer Nature“Change the World”论文。该论文是由北京师范大学未来教育高精尖创新中心周颖副教授、新加坡南洋理工大学蔡敬新教授、台湾师范大学蔡今中教授、梁至中教授、北京邮电大学金梅副教授共同完成,论文详细内容请点击文末“阅读原文”查看。
Dear Ying Zhou,
We asked our Editors-in-Chief across Springer Nature journals to nominate just one article published in their journal in 2017 that could help humanity and protect and preserve our planet.
We are happy to let you know that your article was selected:
The Relationship Between Teachers’Online Homework Guidance and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge about Educational Use of Web
You can find your article on our Change the World website alongside other outstanding work across Springer Nature.
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Despite living in an age of unprecedented advancements across science, technology and medicine, the world still faces many challenges which affect both our environment and welfare.
Now in its third year, our Change the World initiative asks the Editors-in-Chief of Springer Nature journals to select the scientific findings published in the past year that they believe could have the greatest impact on society’s most pressing problems.
We are delighted to feature your article as part of our initiative. Thank you for submitting your research to one of our journals.
Best wishes,
Springer Nature